Friday, 2 August 2013

The Islamic Supplementary School

A few weeks ago I was invited to a meeting of the Islamic Supplementary School in Haslingden, and was impressed by the families and their children who had created this group in a short space of time to enhance their learning and teachings from the Koran. I was made very welcome, and talked with some of the leaders at the school about 'Different Moons' and how we could use their knowledge in helping put together an exhibition about the history of the south Asian community in Haslingden and the Rossendale Valley. 

Another useful link came through talking with Professor John Hyatt who lives in Haslingden and is the Director of MIRIAD, the Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design. John was once a Trustee at Horse + Bamboo, and I often bump into him at art events locally. I know he, and MIRIAD, have strong links with Asian artists, and I asked him about textile artists who might be able to feed into Different Moons in the way that the poet Shamshad Khan has with her writing. John put me in touch with Alnoor Mitha who told me that in 2014 the Asia Triennial will be taking place in Manchester and the region. One of the artists involved will be Nadim Chaudry, from Nottingham and with Punjabi roots, whose stunning work can be seen on his website at . I'm looking into whether we can in any way involve Nadim with Different Moons.